Het Depot Leuven optredens

24-01 Mosselen om half twee (Xander De Rijcke – Jelle De Beule)
25-01 Mustii (Org: FKP Scorpio)
Week van de Belgische Muziek (27-01 t-m 02-02-25)
27-01 Kaat Van Stralen
28-01 Bwana , Eosine (Court-Circuit & Clubcircuit)
29-01 Kleine Crack & Slagter
30-01 Boogie Beasts
31-01 ’t Hof Van Commerce
01-02 High Voltage (ism radio Willy)
06-02 Welcome to the AA (live Alex Agnew en Andries Beckers)
07-02 Dub unit: Kingstep sound system
08-02 Arno ‘rock’n’roll godverdomme’ (docu)
10-02 Jade Mintjens
11-02 Ploegendienst
12-02 Douglas Firs
14-02 Gabriel Rios
17-02 J. Bernardt
18-02 The Bootleg Beatles
19-02 Whispering sons
20-02 Leblanc, Skumic
20-02 Alessandra
20-02 Leblanc
21-02 t-m 23-02 Cool festival: Moses Yoofee Trio, Lefto , Vaague, Kelly Finnigan & The Atonements, Mrcy, Nectar Woode, Mica Millar, Jazmyn, Soulastico, …
25-02 De Volksjury
28-02 Johannes Genard
03-03 Milo Meskens
04-03 Sloper, Pelican dealer
10-03 Ise
11-03 Jazz Brak
12-03 Jolls Holland (an intimite show)
14-03 What-u-on-about?!: Dillinja, Breakage, Riya, …
15-03 New wave night: The Cassandra Complex + party (ism Radio Willy)
17-03 Crackups
18 + 19-03 Hetty Helsmoortel
21 + 22-03 Milow
24-03 Jet Van Der Steen
26-03 Helmut Lotti
28-03 Smells like memories (live rockumentary)
29-03 Lander & Adriaan
03-04 Heather Nova
04-04 Neve/Nobel
16-04 Tje
17-04 Oski
18-04 Les Truttes
19-04 Breaking barriers: punkfestival: Steve Ignorant Band (CRASS), UK Subs, Braindead
22-04 Marble sounds
25 + 26-04 Belpop Bonanza Superstar
28-04 Sylvie Kreusch
01-05 Motorpsycho
02-05 Yevgueni 25Y
05-05 The Sheila Divine (25Y)
06-05 Elephant
10-05 Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy
13-05 Gestapo Knallmuzik
14 + 15-05 Stijn Van de Voorde (theaterspecial)
20-05 Tom Helsen
21-05 Dotan
24-05 Gustaph
30-05 Elvana
31-05 Sylver
24-11 Alessandra