Wasting My Precious Time by Kevin Briggs


Wasting My Precious Time by Kevin Briggs
Kevin Briggs
Saturday, 13. January 2024

2025,it's time  to discover Kevin Briggs

Kevin, can you tell a bit more about yourself....
Started off at 14 wanting to be the next Sting which, I guess, shows that 14 was a while ago. Anyway, after Berklee and a few years of playing in clubs, I went into medicine - I know, right? “Tell God your plans” and all that BS. It took a bunch of unexpected tragedies and losses to wake me up and realize I had abandoned one of the most important and foundational parts of myself - music. So I’m at it again. Maybe I’ll write something you’ll like or maybe I’m a deluded dinosaur who can’t write, sing or play for shit but I’ve got things to say and my hope is that something I write moves you or makes you smile. Either way, I’m just happy to be back at it. If you hear something you like or have a mixing, production, arrangement or any comments really, I appreciate your input and thanks for listening
Wasting My Precious Time is an  album released in 2023.
A new single ' The River' can be heard on Soundcloud.