" Unsafe" Taken from GOD COMPLEX, Gentle Party's sophomore album to be released in January 2022


" Unsafe" Taken from GOD COMPLEX, Gentle Party's sophomore album to be released in January 2022
Gentle Party
Saturday, 25. December 2021


Hi Concert Monkey,
We wrote "Unsafe" from the perspective of a sexual assault survivor on the stand wanting her abuser to feel what she feels.
It's an incantation to reverse their positions and subject him to experience extreme vulnerability. We visualized prejudice against others by showing people veiled in different colours.
At the beginning of the video they wear veils that are the same colour as the guilty party, which is meant to show society's knee jerk reaction to not believe women. But by the end, when they've heard her story, they remove it to reveal a teal veil which is the colour of Sexual Abuse Survivor Awareness.


Note the dreamy sounds of the harp, violin and pedals,
picture _ Sewari Campillo