Sophie Jamieson's second album, “I still want to share” is out

Jamieson maakte indruk met haar debuutalbum en ontving vergelijkingen met Sharon van Etten, Lisa Germano en PJ Harvey. Haar nieuwste album staat vol met persoonlijke reflecties over liefhebben, verliezen en verlangens tot ergens thuishoren. How Do You Want To Be Loved gaat over de lastige band tussen familieleden die allebei worstelen met hun eigen pijn, waar ze zelf over zegt:
“I wrote this song after a particularly upsetting fight with a close family member. I wanted to write a song that would help me forgive and understand them - to write my way into being able to love them in the way I felt I should. But I couldn’t keep my anger and frustration out of the song. It kept bubbling through my attempts to embrace their humanity and complexity. In the end, the song seemed to become a battle between the wounded children in both of us. Their voice and pain came through somehow in a way that broke my heart. The song had to hold the very depths of my hurt, and the depths of theirs all in one.”