Keep Getting Fooled by Wil Linder

'Keep Getting Fooled' is a raw, real country song tinted with grunge, an emotive tale told from behind a bottle, pouring his soul into the glass in front of him. Steady and impactful drums permeate throughout the song, and Wil's subtle twang adds a husky edge to his singing.
This song was built from lyrics thought up on a drive that were so vivid they showed up in his dreams– it's an ode to those who get lost in their own minds, and the struggles that come with facing reality when the world you can dream up is so crystal clear. Wil reflects,
"You can dream all you like but sometimes reality is a harsh beast to face... At times, it's the world turning its back on you and telling you to get a 'real job' or a 'safe job', other times it's your own mind playing games with you and stealing the confidence you once had."