First single from Belgian electro duo Rich Kids On Steroids


First single from Belgian electro duo Rich Kids On Steroids
Saturday, 19. October 2024

NEWS - First single from Belgian electro duo Rich Kids On Steroids

Emerging from the darkest corners of the famous Belgianelectro underground scene, Rich Kids On Steroids are making their mark.This new electronic duo with a punk attitude enthusiastically embraces everyrevolution that comes their way, only to dismiss it just as easily.

Arlo Niks (vocals) andBarry von Blütenthal (synths) are a facade. Think Robert and Bertrand,Piet Pienter and Bert Bibber, Baard and Kale... These guys are in it, well... forthemselves. Honest as they are, they still believe in raw purity. They are soauthentic, madam! Sir!

As the decadent Rich Kids On Steroids, they crash into themusical landscape with a bang. Retro monosynths à go-go and minimalist beatssupport a vocalist questioning whether this is the real world we live in. Angerand frustration? Fear? Cynicism? One-liners? Meh, let's go with surrealism.Ensor at 120 beats per minute. Musically, there's a dark edge to it, butthey're just as likely to shine a distorted light on it. They are the PiedPipers of this scene.