
THE DAMN TRUTH, a new single, a gig at the ZIK ZAK
Date: 31/03/2022
Place: Brussels

Now or Nowhere is the third album by The Damn Truth, a band that, in many ways, has been hiding in plain sight for the last nine years, slowly bubbling up from the underground on t

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KANDIA is a modern Rock/Metal band hailing from Portugal
Artist: Kandia
Date: 30/03/2022
Place: Brussels

Kandia started in November 2007, founded by singer Nya Campos Cruz and guitarist André Da Cruz.

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Major Dubreucq semble avoir de petits problèmes pulmonaires.
Artist: Major Dubreucq
Date: 30/03/2022
Place: Brussels
"Tu ne me respires plus" est le premier single du nouvel album de Major Dubreucq : "Je voudrais être toi"
sortie automne 2022…


Line up :

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"The Fix Is In" is the first taste from Project Renegade's upcoming album titled "Ultra Terra".
Artist: Project Renegade
Date: 30/03/2022
Place: Brussels

Project Renegade is a 4-member metal band from Athens, GR, founded by Marianna (vox) and Ody (drums).

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Italo-Brazilian duo HATE MOSS return with eerie new single “Peonia.”
Date: 30/03/2022
Place: Brussels

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Boogie Beasts have released a new single: "Grinning in your face "
Artist: Boogie Beasts
Date: 30/03/2022
Place: Brussels


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'Seduction' is Kin Chi Kat 's first new recording in two years,
Artist: Kin Chi Kat
Date: 30/03/2022
Place: Brussels

Kin Chi Kat are Kat Stroganova, Nick Khinchikashvili & Ashley Slater (Freakpower, Dub Pistols, Loose Tubes, Kitten & The Hip) and their sound is ripped straight out of the pages of the 80's

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Bruno Bisaro a paradé mais pas le 14 juillet!
Artist: Bruno Bisaro & Les Ouragans Gris
Date: 29/03/2022
Place: Brussels
Bruno Bisaro & Les Ouragans Gris étaient dernièrement en concert aux Déchargeurs, nouvelle scène théâtrale et musicale, à Paris, pas de bol, tu les as manqués.

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Le nouveau clip de G A L I T E est sorti le 25 mars
Artist: G A L I T E
Date: 29/03/2022
Place: Brussels
Voilà l'histoire...

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Brooks Young Band shares new song, Promises
Artist: Brooks Young Band
Date: 29/03/2022
Place: Brussels

'Promises'  originally made famous by Eric Clapton, has now been covered by Brooks Young Band featuring Ruth Clapton, the daughter of the guitar legend.

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Belgische producer Jennifur componeerde soundtrack voor geprezen snowboard game Shredders
Artist: Jennifur
Date: 29/03/2022
Place: Brussels
Met zijn full length album Now Here (music made for the game Shredders) componeerde Jennifur in-house de score voor de Belgische video game die wereldwijd zal worden gel

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Le prochain EP "Between Shadows" de Mountain Fire est prévu le 22 avril.
Artist: Mountain Fire
Date: 29/03/2022
Place: Brussels

Mountain Fire c'est de l'indie folk au féminin, trois voix ( celles de Marie, Myriam et Shelly ) qui s’harmonisent et se font écho.

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Sharon Watkins 's 1st Single | P R O U D | Out now on all Platforms -
Artist: Sharon Watkins
Date: 29/03/2022
Place: Brussels

Sharon is the up and coming British singer / songwriter that ventured off to the USA for 8 years developing her pop style ballads after winning the UK Northern Songwriters Competition.

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Universal Music France - Nouveaux talents : Poppy Ajudha
Artist: Poppy Ajudha
Date: 28/03/2022
Place: Brussels

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New York City-based alternative singer-songwriter Alexa Dark shares the single “Ungrateful,
Artist: Alexa Dark
Date: 28/03/2022
Place: Brussels

With her third single, Alexa kDark proves her desire for redemption as she recognizes that growth can only come from discomfort. Alexa Dark has only just begun.

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Grand Garçon reprend Mylène Farmer
Artist: Grand Garçon
Date: 28/03/2022
Place: Brussels

Cold wave, chanson française ou  synth wave, Grand Garçon offre une version toute personnelle de Sans Contrefaçon

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Vontade que não morre: a new instrumental EP by Terra Mãe
Artist: Terra Mãe
Date: 28/03/2022
Place: Brussels

The band Terra Mãe, from São Paulo ), has released the EP “Vontade que não morre”, their first foray into experimental rock.

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The Italian vocalist Nicoletta Rosellini is known for her work with Kalidia and Walk in Darkness
Artist: Nicoletta Rosellin
Date: 28/03/2022
Place: Brussels
Nicoletta shares her cover of 'Siamo Tutti Là Fuori',

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Schlauberg: ton opinion sur le désir?
Artist: Schlauberg
Date: 28/03/2022
Place: Brussels
"Le désir ne tient jamais ses promesses", ce titre est extrait du dernier EP Brasse.
5 titres tenant leur promesse.

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DALHIA revient avec un nouveau single Viva 4 Ever
Artist: DALHIA
Date: 27/03/2022
Place: Brussels


Viva 4 Ever évoque ce sentiment de désillusion dans le rapport amical, familial et amoureux.

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