Brian Bordello - Cardboard Box Beatle has been released on Metal Postcard records .

Brian Bordello - Cardboard Box Beatle has been released on Metal Postcard records .
Brian Bordello
Tuesday, 22. February 2022
A message:
hope you are well , here is my brand new solo album ,released on Metal Postcard records .
recorded in 2020 after i had released the King Of No-Fi album, this one is a bit more shambolic and fried sounding recorded in 40 minutes in one fell swoop when i was feeling a little crazed .the songs written mostly in my head walking to and from town avoiding the public transport during lockdown and walking to pick up my furlough check from the job i would be made redundant from and waiting in hospital and walk in centres waiting rooms for various tests ,i think this reflects in the lyrics somewhat . i think this could be my best album and maybe my last to be recorded in such a way ,on one track of a 4 track . i hope you enjoy it is actually quite a fun listen .