San Francisco-based singer-songwriter Rykarda Parasol is pleased to present her fifth album Tuesday Morning


San Francisco-based singer-songwriter Rykarda Parasol is pleased to present her fifth album Tuesday Morning
Rykarda Parasol
Thursday, 2. November 2023

For those familiar with Rykarda Parasol’s music, know it has steadily progressed from dark to light while still maintaining Parasol’s gin-tinged voice and subdued off-center style.


Parasol began playing music in her hometown of San Francisco yet soon began performing to a wider audience including Europe. After her fourth album, she went on hiatus, moved to Paris, France, and set out to research and wrote a book directed at teens about respect and emotional abuse. When getting back to making music, she befriended Parisian/Corsican musician, Marc Ottavi. The comradery was motivating and supportive and subsequently fueled Tuesday Morning, which features three co-written songs. Tuesday Morning captures the cool shadowy chic of the Velvet Underground while offering up an elegant take on psych and 60s styled pop like Jacques Dutronc.