"Max Smack!" is the fourth single from the upcoming fifth album by Norwegian band Sonisk Blodbad


"Max Smack!" is the fourth single from the upcoming fifth album by Norwegian band Sonisk Blodbad
Sunday, 12. May 2024

NEWS - "Max Smack!" is the fourth single from the upcoming fifth album by Norwegian band Sonisk Blodbad

"Max Smack!" is the fourth single from the upcoming fifth album by Norwegian band Sonisk Blodbad and this time with none other than the legend ABS from Swamp Babies (and Slut Machine) and Leather Nun guitarist Nils Wohlrabe (Nick Cash Goes Hard) The result is the hardest and most industrial we have heard from the band so far!. Imagine a wonderful mix of dirty Prodigy and The Fall while the ghost of Throbbing Gristle lurks in the background. "One Step Up The Evolutionary Ladder" possible, and in any case their song hits as surprisingly as when a lit molotov cocktail is thrown into the window! "Max Smack!" is produced by Haz Bihn and features El Ez on backing vocals. Banzai & Voodoo!
"Black Light District" follows on in the same landscape but is considerably more psychedelic. Dark pulsating synths and fuzz guitars spin wildly around Anna-Lena Karlsson's (Cortex) sensual voice. Hawkwind's rusty ancient starship crashes straight into an electric Frankenstein disco.

