Lola Kristine: "chapter two: when things fall apart."


Lola Kristine: "chapter two: when things fall apart."
Lola Kristine
Saturday, 30. December 2023
Lola Kristine is a singer, pianist and songwriter based in Laguna Beach
Known as “the little girl with the big voice,” Lola has been staggering audiences her whole life with the depth of soul she possesses in both her timeless songwriting and penetrating singing.  Hearing her sing feeds your soul and reconnects you with what is right in the world. 

Lola Kristine is releasing 5 chapters of song pairings before launching her forthcoming album, CHAPTERS. Taking the helm as the primary producer and songwriter, Lola invites her audience into a more profound exploration of her soul's expression through the formation of this record.


CHAPTERS unfolds as a narrative composed of five distinct chapters, each narrating a poignant piece of her path to redemption. Commencing with her journey of passionate infatuation and the ensuing heartbreak, the album delves deeper beneath the surface to reveal the essence of a fierce, untamed spirit.

"chapter two: when things fall apart" is making waves in the entertainment industry, her song "Just Friends" found its way onto the soundtrack of the popular Canadian TV show, Children Ruin Everything