Kandle Shares New Single & Performance Video "St. Paul's"


Kandle Shares New Single & Performance Video "St. Paul's"
Saturday, 30. December 2023

NEWS - Kandle Shares New Single & Performance Video "St. Paul's"

Following up on the recently released “Live A Lie,” she is now sharing “St. Paul’s,” the second single off her new album to be released in spring 2024. A hypnotic (and sexy) waltz through the corridors of pain and grief, “St. Paul’s” is catharsis in the face of despair.

With her newest album, Kandle aims to make you come and come apart. Weaving a thrum of trip-hop downbeats, brilliant, gut-wrenching lyrics, and her signature, sultry, haunting vocals, she casts spells that lure us off our solitary, mundane paths. She knows too well the darkness we all face, and with these songs she reaches out to all those who wish to be understood but feel they aren’t. Kandle can weave this magic so powerfully because she feels it too, she is out here in the darkness with us.

"... maîtrise de la voix, à la fois sensuelle et puissante, qui caresse comme un velouté délicieusement épicé. S'il fallait lui donner une couleur, elle irait du rouge au pourpre..."


More info : http://auteurresearch.com/artists/kandle/

Single Artwork: Jeffrey Mitchell