Detective Frog has unveiled their debut album, Vol. 1,


Detective Frog has unveiled their debut album, Vol. 1,
Detective Frog
Saturday, 23. December 2023

Detective Frog's debut album is the culmination of the Las Vegas trio's remarkable journey, marked by a whirlwind of attention and acclaim from media and fans alike. With each single release, from "Pale Teeth" to "Invisible Man" to "The Blob," the band has carved a path through the music world, leaving an indelible mark with their unorthodox sound and magnetic energy. This debut album is the triumphant result of their relentless pursuit of musical innovation and their ability to capture the hearts and ears of an ever-growing audience. 

Vol. 1 is a chilling descent into the very heart of their enigmatic minds. It's the kind of album that transports you to an abandoned drive-in movie theater, where the echoes of rebellion and twisted romance resound through the night. Desert Rock and Garage Rock collide in a feverish cacophony, creating a sound that defies conventions and pushes the boundaries of rock music.