The Cosmic Whiskey Brothers have released 'You're the One'


The Cosmic Whiskey Brothers have released 'You're the One'
The Cosmic Whiskey Brothers
Thursday, 28. September 2023

Cosmic Whiskey Brothers formed in a valley in South Wales, during the great lockdown of 2020, when Keryn asked Kevin to write a song.....Which with no previous experience he dutifully did, and the writing goes on.......


The band is predominantly Kevin Mewies and Keryn Isaacs, the former being the lyricist and lead singer, with the latter being the multi-instrumental maestro and musical magician!


Coming from the hot bed of talent that South Wales is, there's plenty of gifted musicians to call on, and that's the plan. Band members come and go, as their skills are desired, but once a Cosmic Whiskey Brother they're always in the brotherhood...

‘You’re the One’, will appear on their ‘Numquam Sero’ EP.