ANNA's Debut Ambient Electronic Album Intentions is out


ANNA's Debut Ambient Electronic Album Intentions is out
Sunday, 11. June 2023
‘Intentions’ album listening guide, by ANNA
In this moment, take a pause. Yield to the stillness that anchors your mind. Only this.
An interlude that asks nothing of you except to sit and breathe. Rest here, in your own
Go within; the place where magic dwells. Let this invitation wrap you up in presence and
provide a space for insight.
Set an intention to… slow down, take a pause, go within.
Let it go. Let it be. Let it arrive. Just like it’s meant to. Release the need to try, and allow
whatever comes to flow in. Receiving the totality of your experience, without controlling it.
No trying. No resisting. Only openness. Maybe you will encounter bliss or find deep
resolution. Other times, nothing at all. Simply surrender; everything belongs here. This song
will hold the space for you to receive. Trust it.
Set an intention to...surrender to what is and welcome what appears.
This is an offering for the universal power of Love. My intention is to channel the vibration of
spirit through this collection of frequencies. God, energy, source, divinity; Oneness, whatever
speaks to you. Every chord and loop echoing through the sky, the sea, the trees, your eyes.
This song holds the frequency of connection, of remembrance, a portal that connects infinity
with the self. You are everything. It’s all you. I hope you feel it. It is my deepest wish that
this music helps you to remember the infinite love that you already are.
Set an intention to...lean into the vibration of spirit, to connect with that part of yourself that
you share with the everything and everyone.
Life is in motion. But sometimes, stagnancy can stop us from being in flow. Let the
frequencies in this track untether you from lower states; feel it washing away any heaviness
that weighs you down. Head outside, look at the sky, feel the rain or wind on your skin. Place
an intention in nature to let go of all that no longer serves you. Speak it internally or openly;
your willingness to release any heaviness is enough. Let this music support your process.
Set an intention to...release all that no longer serves you.
By channelling these sound frequencies, my intention is to translate felt states of elevated
emotion, of gratitude, joy and a connection to the divine, and expand that same frequency
inside of you. Miracles are all around us; in the giant golden ball that floats in the sky, in the
wind that blows across the desert; in a woman’s body carrying new life. I hope this music
finds equal resonance inside you, and connects you to the deepest knowing: I see miracles
everywhere. Open your heart to what already exists. Let the alchemy of this sound help you
see, feel and bear witness.
Set an intention your eyes and heart to the miracles that exist within and beyond
I am forever inspired by the Inca principle of Ayni, which means “to be in right relationship”
with self, with other, with the natural world around us. This track is a reminder: when we
consciously seek to live in harmony and integrity, everything starts to align. To live in
reciprocity with your heart, with your being, with your neighbours, you navigate the world
lightly and peacefully, meeting its many ups and downs with grace. To be in your centre in
this way, synchronicities rush in. Life carries you, even in the tough moments. You are
held. Close your eyes and listen to the intention flowing through Ayni. Feel yourself being in
a harmonious exchange with life.
Set an intention to...step into even greater affinity with self and other; life will flow.
What better excuse is there to celebrate, than to celebrate life itself? This track is a
manifestation of joy, a call to dance across the landscape of your life, to acknowledge the
events, experiences and relationships that nourish your soul. I love to celebrate everything,
and music is a tool to go inward, to connect deeper to undiscovered parts of yourself. It is a
vibrational gateway into a deep inner love that perhaps you didn’t know existed. Let love in.
Let you in. Everything else will take care of itself.